Socioeconomic Impacts of Beach Wrack Management: Baseline Report

The aim of this baseline report is to offer insights, and knowledge about the socio-economic components relating to beach wrack and its management. It targets policy makers, municipalities, tourism service providers, and researchers who wish to explore ways of balancing the environmental, social and economic impacts of beach wrack practices. Besides the introduction and conclusion, this report’s body is divided into 7 sections. Approximating the driver-pressure-state change-impact-response (DPSIR) framework, the main body discusses each of the DPSIR elements relevant for socioeconomics of beach wrack management in the BSR in a sequential fashion. The framework is described in more detail in Section 2. As this is a baseline report, it consists of roughly an even mix of two sources of data. On one hand, it summarizes existing data available in previously published scientific literature on the topic. On the other hand, it introduces own data from several of CONTRA’s own questionnaires, including a survey of the general public and a questionnaire issued to relevant beach managers.